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Moldovan Liberal Democrats to decide on eventual participation in talks on forming new cabinet on 13 January

16:49 | 12.01.2016 Category: Political

Chisinau, 12 January /MOLDPRES/ - The Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) on 13 January will decide on whether to participate or not in negotiations on the creation of a new parliamentary majority. A PLDM MP, Valeriu Ghiletchi, made statements to this effect after a round of consultations with the Democratic Party (PDM) today.   

According to Ghiletchi, the discussions were constructive and answers to a string of questions have been already identified. "Tomorrow, we will summon a meeting of the faction and will inform you about our decision. As for the candidate for the office of prime minister, PDM insists on nominating him/her. The Democrats informed that they would do this after a meeting of the political bureau tomorrow. The way the future government will look depends on the nominated candidate. We will give the answer after the nomination, the talks will start at that time too. PDM has several candidacies already," Ghiletchi said.

PDM leader Marian Lupu showed content with the discussions with PLDM, adding that the the list with the signatures of 56 MPs, presented to President Nicolae Timofti, would grow. "Today, we had no negotiations and did not discuss offices and responsibilities. This process will begin after the nomination of the candidate for the office of prime minister," Lupu said.

On 11 January, seven PLDM lawmakers said they would back a candidate for the office of prime minister, nominated by PDM. Subsequently, the PDM leadership unveiled to President Nicolae Timofti a declaration signed by 56 MPs, of whom 34 from the Social Democratic Platform (20 from PDM, and 14 former Communists), 13 of the Liberal Party, seven from PLDM and a former Liberal Democrat lawmaker, Petru Stirbate.       

Protests were staged at the headquarters of more parties today. 

(Reporter A. Zara, editor A. Raileanu) 


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