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Leaders of three Baltic Countries sign joint declaration on support for Moldova's accession to EU

06:21 | 28.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - The leaders of the Baltic Countries in Chisinau on 27 August, on Moldova’s Independence Day, signed a joint declaration, thereby affirming their support for Moldova’s accession to the European Union. The three leaders said that Moldova was a European nation and its de jure place was inside the EU’s family. They noted that the Baltic States would continue providing Moldova with support on the way of its accession to EU.    

The document was signed by President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda, President of  Estonia Alar Karis and President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs. The three officials were invited by President Maia Sandu to celebrate Moldova’s Independence Day celebrate together with the Moldovan citizens.  

After the signing of the declaration, the three leaders held a joint news conference with Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

„Dear citizens, dear Moldova! Congratulations on the Independence Day! Today is a special day, a holiday for each of us. We mark not only a calendar date, but also our courage, unity, will to live in a free country. This is the day when we remember how strong our common dream is: a future in peace, prosperity and dignity. On this important day, we have with us honorary guests – three presidents of the Baltic Countries. When we look back, we see a way full of ordeal, as well as success. In the last years, Moldova grew, learned and became stronger with each step. The independence means for us to choose our destiny by ourselves. The choices we make every day or once in four years determine whether we will live worthy in peace, freedom and mutual respect. We are not alone on our road to a better life, we have with us true friends today, who support us and show us through their own example that the future is our hands. Today, the friends of Moldova are with us,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.       

The prime minister said that the visit to Chisinau by the three leaders of the Baltic States was a sign that we are a family and the families and friends visit each other at important moments, such as the today’s day. ‘’Today, we celebrate not only the Independence Day, but also strong and sustainable partnerships which we have edified with our friends from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The Baltic Countries represent a source of inspiration for us. They, just as we do, they fought for freedom and for a European future and this year, they mark 20 years in EU, a road which they covered with resoluteness and courage. Moldova missed more times the occasion to be with them; yet, now, we have occasion to achieve our country goal, the one of preparing Moldova to become EU member state till 2030,’’ the Moldovan PM said.      

The official thanked the presidents from the Baltic Countries for the signing of the joint declaration on the support of Moldova’s accession to EU. ‘’This gesture is not only a strong symbol, but also an expression of the authentic solidarity on behalf our friends from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania,’’ Dorin Recean noted.  

According to him, the assistance provided by the Baltic Countries to Moldova is vast and comprises more sectors.

Dorin Recean added that Moldova’s transformation into a European state, with European institutions, with European living standards did not come without effort. ‘’The goal is for us to make sure that our institutions are strong and transparent, that the law is observed, that there is not room for corruption in our society and that the rights of each citizen are protected. Today, more than ever, EU is open for Moldova. Our future is in EU,’’ the PM said.  

President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda reiterated the support of his country for Moldova’s accession to EU. ‘’It is an honour for us to be here on a special day for Moldova, the Independence Day. On behalf of the people of Lithuania, I warmly congratulate the citizens on the occasion of the 33 years of independence. I am here to reiterate the support of Lithuania for Moldova’s accession to EU. Moldova is a European nation and its de jure place is inside the EU family. Despite all difficulties, Moldova’s commitment to the European values stays firm. The effort to implement reforms, to consolidate the democratic institutions, to support the economic growth, to ensure the energy security of the country, to decrease the dependence, to promote the observance of the human rights and freedoms are evidence of your commitments,’’ the Lithuanian president  said.    

The official opined that ‘’the launch of the negotiations on accession to EU for Moldova is an important achievement and recognition of the government’s success in the implementation of the reforms needed.’’ ‘’Now, the power is in your hands, for you to advance on the way of integration into the European Union and to preserve the commitment and Lithuania is with you to back you on long term. I would like us to remember that Moldova was the first nation of the world to recognize the restored independence of Lithuania in May 1990. Thank you, Moldova. I also welcome the support provided by Moldova to Ukraine, as a result of the Russian military aggression and for having opened the doors to thousands of refugees. Our common visit to Moldova conveys a clear signal that the Baltic States and Moldova are united. We will continue mutually supporting,’’ President of Lithuania Gitanas Nauseda added.      

President of Estonia Alar Karis said that, in Chisinau the officials had discussed ‘’a string of challenges and the perspectives for the future. ’’Moldova is at a crossroad, a situation known to us from our road to EU. We have voices which promote both directions. One direction was eventually the clear way to peace and prosperity. Today, we know that our choice to become EU member was not only a correct one, but was also the best choice. During our referendum, 65 per cent of the citizens voted for the accession to EU. At present, the support for EU is over 80 per cent. Among the young people, this support is of more than 90 per cent. The EU fulfilled all promises, but what’s more important, it brought also freedom, for us to be able to choose our destiny. The people of Moldova face the inflation, tough economic conditions; nevertheless, you proved support for Ukraine. We want to say you that your vote matters; we want to see you in the area of freedom and stability. Only with EU, you will ensure you future in the most prosperous and democratic union of the world. Estonia is firmly with you in this travel. We welcome the progress you have made so far. We have to commitment to back Moldova’s continuous effort to support the democracy, supremacy of law, good governance, which are key promises for the accession to EU. Presently, by learning from our experience, we give a helping hand to other nations which aspire to join EU. We surely know that this will be helpful for them,’’ the president of Estonia said.        

President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs reiterated his country’s support for Moldova’s European integration path. ‘’I convey the warmest congratulations on behalf of the Latvian nation in marking 33 years of independence. Just as the presidents of Lithuania and Estonia said, I say that you have the best friends in the Baltic States, which celebrate the independence with you, as well as wish you all the best when it comes to the way of integration to EU. We back you in your aspirations, but we came to discuss including ways we can support you in continuation in the travel to become full-fledged member of EU. You have accomplished a lot, especially as regards the promotion of the supremacy of law, implementation of the anticorruption measures, consolidation of the public institutions and development of the energy sector. We know that this takes time and tough political decisions, courage and determination are needed, in order to advance to EU. This year, all those three Baltic Countries mark the 20th anniversary of their accession to EU. We went through many procedures, through periods of optimism, as well as more difficult situations in the accession process. But your vote from next October is just the beginning of this way. You can rely that there will be friends on this path, who will support you, will provide assistance and I am sure that, rather sooner than later, Moldova will become full-fledged member of EU,’’ the Latvian president said.         















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