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Moldovan premier delivers speech on Independence Day

13:18 | 27.08.2017 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 August /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Pavel Filip delivered a speech on Independence Day of Moldova.

“Dear compatriots!

For 26 years the end of the summer is marked by the spirit of the Declaration of Independence of 27 August 1991. Favorable geopolitical circumstances and courage and political will of a remarkable generation gave birth to a new state entity – the Republic of Moldova. During this time, parliaments and governments of all colors have changed, tragic events occurred and some enthusiastic, we witnessed inspired decisions and profound decisions that have affected the lives of citizens.

During the 26 years, we have had more promises than achievements, more disappointments than accomplishments, more poverty than welfare. Expectations have been and remain enormous. But great expectations require great responsibility, much patience, sacrifice and very much work. Nothing happens by itself. We have learned that Moldova does not only mean the government, parliament and other institutions. Moldova means firstly hundreds of thousands of people who go to work each morning, hundreds of thousands of children who study, hundreds of thousands of elderly people who have worked a lifetime and deserve a better life.

Moldova also means our citizens working abroad and contributing greatly to the stabilization and economic development. I firmly believe that they will return home bringing invaluable experience.

Obviously, Moldova is a democratic state. Human rights and political pluralism are not only fundamental values seen in the Constitution of the country, but more and more – realities. We have the democratic exercise of free elections that ensures the accession to power of those appointed directly by the people. There is openness to dialogue, to alternative projects and criticism. However, demagogy and populism are extremely dangerous in the current international and regional context.

For eight years, with success and failures, we are going towards European integration. We have consciously chosen a development model, we have all openness and support of Western partners, and only a malicious person can deny we have many positive changes. Free movement, diversification of exports, increased investment, increased energy security – all are uncontested achievements.

Moldova not only geographically and culturally is a European country. It day by day, step by step, aligns with European standards, becomes a component of continental civilization. I am confident that appeals to the revision of the strategic vector of European integration are irresponsible and extremely dangerous. Moldova can no longer survive a new revision of the geostrategic course. The time has come to stop speculating on nostalgia and empty promises. We cannot remain the country of missed opportunities and inconsistent politicians.

That’s why I would like our political leaders be able to form a European front: we need mobilization and cooperation among forces that see the future in the West.

We do not have to blame those who believe something else, but just to talk to them and explain what is to be done. At the end of the day, we all want to be respected and live better in a country that is a partner at the table and not geopolitically subordinated.

Dear citizens!

I strongly believe in the future of Moldova. Moldova will become a strong country. That is why we have to respect each other. Do not divide or split our society. On the contrary, we have to unite. Every citizen will be able to fully realize his creative potential here at home, and could proudly say: here is my Homeland – Republic of Moldova.”


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