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Five new cases of measles recorded in Moldova

09:55 | 30.10.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 October /MOLDPRES/- Five new cases of measles have been confirmed by the National Agency for Public Health (ANSP). Three other cases of illness remain suspicious and are under investigation.

The head of ANSP's information and communication service, Olesea Croitor, said two cases of measles were registered in Chisinau and three cases in Soroca district.

“Currently, patients are under the supervision of doctors. Also, health workers have taken health promotion measures to increase public awareness of measles risks and the importance of vaccination," Croitor said.

Earlier this year, there were 308 confirmed cases of measles. A significant increase in the number of illnesses was recorded in August, with 239 confirmed cases. At the same time, since the beginning of this month there have been five cases of the disease.

The regions affected by measles from the beginning of August are: Ceadâr-Lunga - 164 cases, Vulcăneşti - 35 cases, Drochia - 21, Ungheni - 20, Chisinau - 15, Taraclia - 12, Cahul - 10, Cantemir - 10, Ocniţa – 7, Nisporeni - 4, Soroca - 4, Glodeni - 3, Hancesti - 1, Râşcani - 1 and Tiraspol - 1 case.

Also, the Yellow Code on the risk of measles spreading is maintained throughout the country.

In the last ten years, in Moldova, the immunization rate was 95 percent, and now it is up to 87 percent. Outbreaks of measles also are in neighboring Ukraine and Romania.

Epidemiologists remind the population that measles is a highly contagious disease and is spreading rapidly. The first sign of infection is high fever, which lasts for 1-7 days.

Measles can only be prevented by vaccination. In Moldova, the vaccination is carried out with a combination vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella (ROR) at one year, 6-7 years, 14-15 years of age. Vaccination is free for all eligible persons.


(Reporter A. Zara, editor M. Jantovan)


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