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Ghelăuza residents to have access to modern aqueduct system

12:52 | 25.11.2022 Category: Official

Chisinau, Nov. 25 /MOLDPRES/- Speaker Igor Grosu participated in the inauguration event of the aqueduct in Ghelăuza village, Străseni district, the parliament's communication and public relations department has reported.

The construction of the aqueduct cost 7.6 million lei. 85 percent of the project budget was earmarked as a grant from the National Ecological Fund. The rest of the amount was covered by citizens' donations, the local budget of Ghelăuza town hall, Măgura Ilvei town hall, Bistrița Năsăud, Romania and the budget of the Străseni District Council.

Grosu congratulated Ghelăuza residents for the fact that thanks to the aqueduct, they will have access to drinking water. It will also be a source for firefighters, who will be able to intervene more quickly in risky situations.

"It is important that this achievement was fulfilled, because it is about health and comfort. We want to implement more projects, and for that we must be united and be peace", he said.

Attending the event was also the president of the National Security, Defense and Family Commission, Lilian Carp. 

The construction of the aqueduct in Ghelăuza started in 2015. As a result, about 700 households will have access to drinking water.

Photo: Parliament


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