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Theatre on Wheels project launched in Moldova

17:59 | 29.03.2023 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 29 March /MOLDPRES/ - Three theatres from Chisinau will stage plays for children and young people from three settlements of Moldova during 4 April – 4 August 2023, within the cultural and educative project, Theatre on Wheels, organized by the Centre for Media Resources Public Association. The project is backed by the Mihai Eminescu National Cultural Institute in Chisinau.    

According to the organizers, the project implies the organization of cultural and educative activities, which represent premises of the consolidation of the local communities through ensuring the free access to culture.

The initiators and partners of the project are set to facilitate the promotion of education through culture of children and give them chance to rediscover the local cultural products. At the same time, through this project, local residents will be encouraged to participate in the cultural and entertainment life. All activities within the Theatre on Wheels project are free of charge.    



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