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Gold and silver for Moldova at European Juniors Wrestling Championships

10:21 | 28.06.2023 Category: Sport

Chisinau, June 28. /MOLDPRES/- The Republic of Moldova recorded outstanding performances at the European Juniors Wrestling Championships for young people up to 20 years old, held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Alexandru Solovei won gold medal at the Greco-Roman wrestling competition.

Another Moldovan athlete, Vitalie Eriomenco, won silver medal, losing in the final after a close fight to a performer from Armenia.

Alexandru Solovei and Vitalie Eriomenco, representatives of the Sports Center advanced in the careers, obtaining these medals, supported by the national team coaches Vladimir Iurco, Roman Zgardan, Serghei Timco and Mihail Cucu.

The Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) congratulated European champion Alexandru Solovei and vice-champion Vitalie Eriomenco for their performances at the European Championship. The Ministry will award cash prizes to athletes and coaches for their achievements, as part of the Sports Gala, which will take place at the end of the year.

Photo: MEC




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