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Leadership of Moldovan parliamentary factions present priorities for 2023 autumn session

13:47 | 07.09.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - The heads of the parliamentary factions, as well as Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu today presented the priorities of the 2023 autumn session.  

In the beginning of the meeting, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu gave a speech, in which he announced the legislative priorities of the autumn session. They regard the ensuring of the energy security, advancement of the reforms in justice and fight against corruption, Moldova’s economic development and opening of new jobs, modernization of the infrastructure and improvement of the living standards in Moldova’s settlements. An important mission of the parliament for the autumn session is the continuation of the parliamentary control over the enforcement of the Moldova-European Union Association Agreement and emphasis will be put on the process of the national legislation’s approximation to the EU’s one.  

„We have an ambitious parliamentary agenda and will be able to successfully carry it out, if we join efforts and make good laws for all our people, no matter whether they are home or in the Diaspora. The Moldovans deserve and must live as in Europe, in a European Moldova, as we are Europeans and we proved this to the entire world. We everybody know the problems we face, as we hear and listen to them, during each visit we have,’’ the parliament speaker said.  

Other priorities announced by the parliament speaker are: quality education, sustainable agriculture, modernization of the health system, protection and extension of afforested areas. ‘’These are important fields and we should manage to carry out enough reforms, so that we can fulfill our medium-term goal, which is the accession to the European Union till 2030. For the first time in the last three decades, we experience not only the hope for a better future, but also feel the confidence that we now have the chance and duty to bring Moldova to the European Union,’’ Igor Grosu stressed.   

Also in the beginning of the meeting, the head of the parliamentary faction of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists, Vlad Batrancea, referred to the priorities and expectations of the opposition in the parliament’s autumn session.




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