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Moldovan parliament approves fiscal facilities for project regarding thermal energy system of Balti city

14:34 | 07.09.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - The works meant for the implementation of the project, Thermal and Energy System of the Balti Municipality, (CET-Nord stock company) , phase II, will benefit from fiscal and customs facilities.   

The MPs today voted, in the first reading, a legislative initiative which belongs to MPs Boris Marcoci and Radu Marian.   

Thus, the goods, works and services due to be provided to the CET-Nord stock company and are meant for the implementation of the project, Thermal and Energy System of the Balti Municipality, phase II, will be exempted from the paymwent of the value added tax.  

The project, Thermal and Energy System of the Balti Municipality, phase II, is carried out based on the agreement on loan worth 15 million euros signed with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.   

Photo: Parliament



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