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Moldovan parliament declares works of construction of road of access, infrastructure of Leova-Bumbata border crossing point as public utility of national interest

15:25 | 07.09.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - The works of construction of the road R34.4 Leova-border with Romania and the border crossing point, with the infrastructure related, have been declared public utility of national interest. The parliament today approved a draft law to this effect with 72 votes for.  

Thus, to finish the works for the road’s construction, eight hectares of land from the floodable meadow of the Prut river, to the north-west of the Leova city, are to be withdrawn. The competent authorities will undertake the measures needed, in order to ensure the delimiting, registration, formation and transmission to the management of the state enterprise, State Administration  Roads, of the plots of land needed for the building of the road R 34.4 Leova-border with Romania and the border checkpoint, with the infrastructure related.    

According to the bid presented by the entrepreneur, the estimative cost of the works for construction of the access road and the infrastructure of the border checkpoint Leova-Bumbata is of 252.23 million lei (about 12.6 million euros) and the works are planned to be finished in next November.  



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