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Consultative Council for Science and Technology to be set up in Moldova

16:20 | 07.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - A Consultative Council for Science and Technology will be created in Moldova. The MPs have voted, in the first reading,  a draft on amendment of the code on science and innovation.   

The document provides for the creation of the Consultative Council for Science and Technology, which will provide consultancy to the authority of the central public authority in charge of the elaboration of policies in the fields of research and innovation, for the development and financing of the research and innovation system. The Council will be made up of representatives of the central specialty bodies of the state, as well as scientific personalities recognized nationally and internationally.     

Another provision of the draft regards the institutional financing in the sectors of research and innovation. Thus, the public law organizations in the fields of research and innovation, including the public higher education institutions, will be able to benefit from institutional financing, for the maintenance and development of the public infrastructure from the research and innovation sectors and for the staff expenses. The financing is to be correlated with the human resources, research infrastructure and the institutional performance.    

The amendments approved refer also to the assessment of public law organizations from the fields of research and innovation and the scientific and scientific and didactic staff, which is organized by the National Agency of Ensuring the Quality in Education and Research. The finality of the evaluation is the classification of the organizations according to levels of performance and capacity, which will take into consideration when establishing the institutional financing.   

The draft on amendment of the code on science and innovation, worked out by the Education and Research Ministry, was voted by 67 MPs.  

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