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Security measures to be enhanced at Chisinau International Airport, given large number of pilgrims from Israel due to transit Moldova

13:18 | 08.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 8 September /MOLDPRES/ - The work will be enhanced at the Chisinau International Airport, in order to ease the traffic of passengers and exclude security risks. The measure will be taken, given that a large number of pilgrims from Israel on 11-22 September are to transit the territory of Moldova to and from Ukraine.   

According to the Border Police, starting from 11 September, the access to the Chisinau International Airport will be strictly for the Airport’s staff and for the people participating in the cross-border traffic. The entry of the Airport will be allowed based on the presentation of the travel ticket, the checking of which will be made by representatives of the Airport’s administration. Following the procedure, the passenger will continue with the registration for the flight; subsequently, he/she will undergo the security and papers’ control and will wait in the sterile room.      

To help the competent authorities in relieving the road traffic – excluding traffic jams outside the Airport, as well as the easing of the flow of passengers, the Airport’s administration demand that people come to the Airport by at least three hours before the flight planned at the latest.  

At the same time, the participants in a joint meeting, held with the participation of the Border Police, Civil Aviation Authority and the Administration of the Chisinau International Airport, agreed on boosting the capacity of processing of the traffic of passengers, adjusting the schedule of the flights, as well as quick carrying out of the exchange of data and information.  

Also, in terms of border activity, decision-makers will undertake additional measures to maintain the regime at the Airport, with the increase in the number of border policemen and control equipment devices, as well as the involvement of more specialized crews with dogs.  

During 11-22 September, about 30,000 citizens of Israel will transit Moldova to Ukraine. They are to go to the Uman settlement of Ukraine, to participate in a yearly festival.  

Photo: Border Police


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