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More Moldovans detained in Czech Republic for clandestine production of cigarettes, causing damage worth 120 million euros to EU

14:34 | 19.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 October /MOLDPRES/ - Fourteen Moldovans have been detained for the clandestine production of cigarettes in the Czech Republic during an operation for de-structuring of a crime ring. The illegal activity caused damage worth about 120 million euros for the European Union’s budget.  

According to the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS), the crime ring was made up of 22 members, of whom 14 are citizens of Moldova, with ages between 24 and 66 years. The counterfeited cigarettes were produced on the Czech territory and afterwards delivered to diverse countries in the EU area.    

During raids in the Czech Republic, law-enforcers raised 17.7 million illicit cigarettes, 11,000 kg of tobacco, consumables for the production of several dozens of millions of cigarettes – all worth about five million euros. Also, 30,000 euros, a vehicle worth 100,000 euros and a truck as means for committing the offence were confiscated.   

At the same time, during raids in Moldova, law-enforcers got evidence on the criminal activities, equipment for producing cigarettes, mobile phones, 15,000 euros, a luxury car worth 80,000 euros and a gun.   

The operation was carried out by SIS officers, who provided operative support at the collection of information, prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS), experts of the EUBAM Mission, General Inspectorate of Border Police of Romania and customs officers of the Investigations Section of the General Customs Directorate of the Czech Republic.  

Photo: SIS







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