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Promo-LEX records 1,145 reports of incidents at general local elections

09:47 | 06.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 6 /MOLDPRES/- Promo-LEX Mission recorded 1,145 reports of incidents at the general local elections by the end of November 5. 718 of them were processed as incidents.

According to Promo-LEX, the observers reported, until midnight, 20 incidents in the process of closing the polling stations and counting the votes. "In one of the cases, after the polling station was declared closed, the electoral office unsealed the ballot boxes and flipped the ballots on a table to count the votes, but they also did not change the video camera to record the vote counting process," Promo-LEX said.

Among the most frequently reported incidents are photographing ballots or other violations of the secrecy of the vote, such as the presentation of the ballot with the cast vote, the faulty location of the voting booths; unjustified group voting; acts of violence or intimidation of voters or others.

At the same time, during the conduct of the elections, observers reported attempts or even situations of material or monetary rewards offered to voters within the 100 m perimeter of the polling station to determine the voters' vote.

In Sunday's general local elections, Promo-LEX delegated 602 static observers, including in all polling stations in Balti and Chisinau municipalities, as well as in 237 polling stations in the rest of the country, selected based on a representative sample. 


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