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Preliminary results: Ion Ceban - Moldovan capital's new mayor

10:16 | 06.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 6 /MOLDPRES/- According to the CEC's preliminary results, after counting all reports, MAN candidate Ion Ceban has got over 50.6 of the votes and remains in charge of the capital for the next four years.

According to CEC data, 28.2 percent of Chisinau residents voted for PAS candidate Lilian Carp at Sunday's election. PSRM candidate Adrian Albu picked up 4.5% of the votes, and PPDA candidate Victor Chironda - 3.8 percent.

The CEC preliminary data show that the voter turnout was 40.9% (266,978 people) in Chisinau.

27 candidates applied for Chisinau mayor.


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