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First tests of Vulcănești-Chișinău overhead power line show compliance with all performance criteria

14:18 | 07.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 7 /MOLDPRES/- The authorities announced today about the construction and testing of the first foundation that will be the basis of the pillars of Vulcanesti-Chisinau overhead power line.

The construction of the foundation was carried out the last weeks in the region of Băcioi village. The construction process was carried out in stages, in accordance with the necessary requirements and standards. After the completion of the work, a special installation was installed for the lifting tests.

The foundation will have a load-bearing capacity of over 45 tons, which corresponds to the highest metal pillar of the power line, which will be about 50 meters high.

"The construction of the overhead power line is a project of strategic importance for the Republic of Moldova and energy security. Such a project, of such scope, has not been implemented in our country in at least the last 30 years. This fact encourages us, but also makes us responsible for all the stages prior to the start of the construction works to be carried out according to the standards, the law and the project as soon as possible", says director of the Consolidated Unit for Implementing and Monitoring energy projects Ruslan Surugiu.

The construction of the 400 kV overhead power line Vulcanesti-Chisinau is part of the Power System Development Project in the Republic of Moldova. The value of the project is 61 million euros and it is funded by the World Bank.


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