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Over 100 million lei additionally allocated for roads' repair in Moldova

19:05 | 08.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 8 November /MOLDPRES/ - The government today approved amendments to the programme on the distribution of the means of the Road Fund for the maintenance and repair of national public roads in the 2023 year. The amendments see the redistribution of Road Fund’s means depending on the needs of the programme and the allocation of additional means worth 105.6 million lei (5.28 million euros).     

Thus, the volume of financial means was increased by about 36.9 million lei for the routine maintenance of roads during summer and the sum was increased by 8.4 million lei for the maintenance of the national public roads in winter, in particular, preparing the stocks of antiskid materials. At the same time, the sum was increased by 12.7 million lei for the carrying out of the works of periodical maintenance of the road safety system.   

At the same time, additional means worth about 45 million lei are earmarked for finishing the projects on capital repair of national roads and bridges. Also, additional resources are allocated for the carrying out of the works of designing, evaluation of roads and bridges, buying grounds, amounting to 20.5 million lei.  

For 2023, the government allocated 1.48 billion lei for the Road Fund. Subsequently, the latter was increased by 736 million lei.  



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