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EBRD lends 23 million euros to Moldova

13:45 | 24.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 24 /MOLDPRES/- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will provide financial support for the modernization of the railway infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova. Parliament approved at today's plenary session the ratification of a loan agreement in the second reading.

The EBRD will offer the Republic of Moldova a loan worth 23 million euros, in two installments. Our country will also benefit from a grant of 20 million euros, offered by the European Commission. The money will be used for the repair works of the railway corridor Vălcineț - Ocnița - Bălți - Ungheni - Chişinău - Căinari.

The loan will be granted for a 15 year-term. 


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