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All state institutions mobilized to manage situation related to snow storm affecting Moldova

17:46 | 26.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Nov. 26 /MOLDPRES/- The authorities announce that the responsible institutions subordinate to the Executive are taking the necessary measures to manage the impact of the extreme weather conditions affecting the districts in the center and south of the country, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

Patrolling, snow removal and anti-skid operations are carried out on the national public roads. In the process, 76 special vehicles of SA Roads are involved in the process. More than 42 tons of anti-slip material and 37 tons of technical salt have already been used. 

Currently, in the south, the route between the village of Tomai and the intersection of the village of Joltai is blocked. For the safety of citizens, it is recommended to avoid the M5 route, and in the area of Greblești village in Străseni district, traffic is very difficult. The road between Anenii Noi - Căușeni, localities of Congaz and Svetlîi are also blocked. Blocked roads are also in Cahul district -  Badicu, Baurci; Leova - Iargara, Ciadîr; Cantemir district - Lărguța, Capaclia, Haragîș and Ștefan Vodă - Răscăieți.

Dangerous sectors are permanently patrolled and processed with anti-slip material. Prompt intervention was ordered on all affected sections of the road, with the application of anti-skid.

Police increased the number of crews in the country. More than 1,300 police officers operate in an increased mode on the streets, in localities and national routes, to contribute to the safety of traffic participants, facilitate circulation and offer assistance to citizens.

Rescuers intervene on national routes to support people and unblock means of transport that have skidded off the route or are stuck in the snow. Up to this moment, 62 interventions by rescue and fire teams have been recorded. Medical services are provided, including through ambulance interventions. Joint interventions with IGSU are carried out in problematic access areas.

According to Premier Energy and RED-Nord company, 165 localities, from 15 districts, the municipality of Chisinau and Gagauzia are partially disconnected from electricity. We ask the affected citizens to show patience and understanding and assure them that the network operators are making joint efforts to restore the service as soon as possible.

At Chisinau International Airport, all snow removal and cleaning equipment work continuously to maintain the runway in possible take-off and landing conditions. According to ICAO and IATA requirements, take-off of aircraft is not allowed without performing icing procedures. The safety of passengers and crews is a priority, in this context flights may be delayed or cancelled. For the moment, according to the timetable, there are flight delays and 4 flights have been cancelled, of which 2 flights to Istanbul, and one each to Vienna and Berlin.

At the eastern, western and southern borders of the country, vehicle traffic takes place in winter conditions, and the roads to the border are accessible.

At the customs posts located on the Moldovan-Romanian border, the passage of trucks is restricted. At this time, the Romanian side temporarily prohibits the movement of trucks due to the heavy snowfall and the formation of snowdrifts, including the blocking of some public roads.

Citizens are urged to strictly follow the recommendations of the authorities, in order to avoid the risks associated with bad weather conditions. At the same time, we recommend citizens to get information from official sources that publish updated information about the situation of the roads and traffic conditions.

Authorities are constantly intervening to provide support to citizens and ensure the smooth movement of vehicles on national roads. The situation is changing every hour. Regardless of the effort of road users, traffic on the roads is becoming more and more complicated. 

We encourage drivers to delay and refrain from any travel in these conditions until weather conditions improve. Vehicles must be adapted to winter conditions and equipped with appropriate tires, and if you choose a longer destination, your phone's battery must be charged. We urge you to keep sand, shovel and chains in the trunk of your car. In risky situations, call 112 Service.









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