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Moldovan PM says time is ripe to turn European Union stronger, by becoming member state of great European family

10:08 | 10.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - Thousands of people have come to the Great National Assembly Square (PMAN) to mark the Europe Day 2024. Prime Minister Dorin Recean conveyed a message to all those who celebrate the peace and unity of the entire European continent, the government’s communication department reported.  

„Nearby the flag of Moldova, the flag of the European Union proudly waves all over the country. We celebrate the European future of our country and the effort made by each of us to edify the European Moldova,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.

„Time is ripe to turn the European Union even stronger, by becoming member state of the great European family. Together, we will edify a prosperous future at home, a better future for all our citizens,’’ the PM stressed.

The even in the centre of the capital was organized by the government, the European Union’s Delegation in Moldova, along with the embassies of the EU member states. In the government’s pavilion, the cabinet members discussed with visitors the joint effort made to edify a prosperous, modern and European state.   

Also, over 500 people visited the Government Building, within a guided tour at the museum and the government’s session hall. At the same time, small visitors took part in treasure hunting, each of them benefiting from a present at the end of the race.  






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