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Moldovan medical university, United Nations Refugee Agency to cooperate in field of academic, social, professional integration of refugees

14:49 | 10.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Moldova in the field of teaching, research and raising the awareness of the society. The document was signed by USMF Rector Emil Ceban and UNCHR representative in Moldova Bertrand Blanc.    

Rector Emil Ceban said that USMF Nicolae Testemitanu was honoured to be part of the academic network of the Sergio Vieira de Mello Centre (SVMC) and commits to approach the issue of forcible emigration through involvement in the activities of research, teaching and informing the society. ‘’Through the signing of the memorandum of understanding, we commit to promote and disseminate the international humanitarian law, the human rights and the international right of the refugees, as well as to organize activities meant to integrate the subject of the refuge in the academic syllabus and in the community services. The conclusion of this partnership will allow us developing together activities which would facilitate the academic, social and professional integration of the refugees, such as actions of training, research and raising the community’s awareness,’’ Emil Ceban said.    

„Through the signing of this memorandum, we commit to extent our work in the approaching of the forcible displacement through the elaboration and implementation of academic, research programmes and other awareness-raising activities. Sergio Vieira was a diplomat of the United Nations, who started the discussion with Moldova’s government on its accession to the 1951 Refugee Convention and we must continue joining our efforts every day,’’ the UNHCR representative in Moldova, Bertrand blanc, said.   

Based on the document, USMF commits to develop at least three actions dealing with the teaching, research, raising the awareness of the community (including facilitated admission and scholarships) and advocacy, just as it is stipulated in the reference terms of the De Mello chairs, as well as to submit to UNHCR an annual report on the activities carried out, under the working schedule for a two-year period.   

Within the partnership, the sides are set to jointly organize at least one activity per year. At the same time UNHCR will provide support in the raising of funds for the projects of the De Mello Chair, provided that the project is initially submitted for consideration. On demand and depending on the case, UNHCR will provide a letter of support to the university for the projects of the De Mello Chair.     

The academic network of the Sergio Vieira de Mello Chair is a partnership between UNHCR and universities/academic institutions, which commits to tackle the issue of forcible displacement through the involvement in activities of research, teaching and informing of the community.     

Presently, the SVMC network is established in five countries – Brazil, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ethiopia and the United Kingdom. Annually, each SVMC national network organizes an academic conference, in order to discuss the good practices of educational inclusion of refugees and stateless people and to share the academic achievements of the SVMC member institutions, with the UNHCR’s logistic and financial support.   





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