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Moldova's National Army to hold new trainings with reservists

11:39 | 10.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - The National Army will hold new mobilization exercises with reservists on 20-24 May and 27-31 May.  

According to the Defence Ministry, to organize the exercises, reservists are called, beforehand, to the Territorial Military Centres where they have residence, in order to clear up the military situation and for the handing of call-up orders.  

„The training activity lasts five days and is aimed at verifying the aptitudes of the reservists and familiarizing them with the equipment of the National Army. Under the schedule of training, they will study the military regulations and will participate in shootings,’’ the Defence Ministry noted.  

The most recent drills took place at the National Army’s Military Base in last March. The next trainings will start in June 2024.  

The training of reservists is made in line with the National Army’s training plan for 2024 and the Law on the reserve of the Armed Forces.  



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