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Moldova's National Anticorruption Centre prosecutes two inspectors of South Customs Office for passive corruption

11:19 | 10.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - Two customs inspectors of the Cahul-Oancea post of the South Customs Office have been denounced at the National Anticorruption Centre (CNA) ‘’for the claiming of illicit financial means in the process of charging customs duties on import and export goods.’’   

According to the cause’ s materials, the inspectors would have systematically claimed and received financial means between 100 and 500 euros from carriers of passengers and parcels, with the sum established depending on the value of the goods transported.   

Within the criminal prosecution actions and special measures of investigations in the criminal case, the officers documented more cases of claiming, reception and transmission, under CNA’s control, of financial means, as well as other material assets.

The CNA officers today made raids with searches at the Cahul-Oancea customs checkpoint, at the homes and vehicles of the suspects, from where they took more evidence.  

The prosecutions continue under the leadership of prosecutors from the Cahul municipality’s Prosecutor’s Office.



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