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European Union, UNDP back Moldova to advance on green transition way

12:21 | 10.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - The European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have started a new project worth 10 million euros, which will back Moldova’s authorities in efforts of advancement of the green transformation agenda. The launch of the EU-UNDP project, Facilitation of inclusive green transition in Moldova, with duration of four years, took place at the European Town on the Europe Day on 9 May.  

The project, focused on the EU’s Green Deal, a string of initiatives of policies, which are to be transposed by Moldova in its process of accession to EU, will enhance the degree  of awareness, will consolidate the capacities and will encourage the investments in an economy with low emissions and efficient from the viewpoint of the resources. All these have the goal to achieve the climate neutrality and thus fulfil the commitments taken under the Paris Agreement.    

„The project advances the efforts of the country’s green transition. It is set to create the premises for the adoption of green technologies and practices by the private sector, by the Moldovan citizens in their daily life and encourages the development of businesses responsible for the environment. We will support innovating green solutions in different economic sectors, such as the introduction of the principles of circular economy to reduce the consumption, to reuse/repair and recycle. Thus, we will facilitate the creation of new opportunities of business, more efficient and with low pressures on the environment,’’ UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova Daniela Gasparikova said.     

The project will back the testing of green innovating solutions in various sectors of the economy. At the same time, new models of business will be put into practice, which regard the recycling, reuse and repair.   

„The transition to a green economy is needed not only for the conservation of our planet, but also given that it represents numerous economic opportunities. Through investments in renewable energy sources, sustainable infrastructure and green technologies, Europe can create new jobs, can stimulate the innovation and can boost the economic growth. Besides, the transition to an economy with low emissions of carbon will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, will improve the quality of the air and will enhance the general welfare of our citizens. In the context, the EU’s Green Deal serves as plan on the remodeling EU into an economy efficient from the viewpoint of resources and competitive,’’ a programme manager at the European Union’s Delegation in Moldova, Solomon Ioannou, said.      

Another goal of the project regards the implementation of the principles of extended responsibility of the producer, promotion of renewable energy technologies, foundation of energy plantations for the production of solid fuel for biomass, testing the measures of sustainable mobility and ecological transport, as well as modernization of the air’s quality. The residents will be encouraged to adopt ecological practices in the daily routine and entrepreneurs - to develop sustainable businesses, in order to create a joint support for the cause of the green transition.  





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