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Moldova honorary guest of Bookfest International Book Salon due in Bucharest

16:24 | 10.05.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will be the honorary guest of the 17th edition of the Bookfest International Book Salon, held at Romexpo, Bucharest, on 29 May – 2 June, the AGERPRES news agency reports, cited by MOLDPRES.  

Moldova’s presence at Bookfest 2024 is under the sign of rapprochement and the special relation between the two countries.  

The stand of Moldova as honorary guest will be placed in the central area of the B2 Pavilion from Romexpo. In those 200 square metres, visitors of Bookfest 2024 will be able to discover a rich supply, beginning with fiction, non-fiction books, art books, books for children and youth, as well as a selection of rare books from the 1960s-80s. The proposal by the honorary guests comprises almost 40 events – a rich schedule, which includes events with diverse architecture: beginning with book launches up to discussions on the most topical subjects.    

The entire schedule of events and the lists of participants will be made public at an official news conference, organized at the Humanitas Bookshop from Cismigiu, Bucharest, on 23 May at 11:00.  

Moldova’s presence as honorary guest at Bookfest 2024 is ensured by the Moldovan government.



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