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State secretary of Romania's Department for Relation with Moldova says stake of European parliamentary elections first ever so high in Moldova

15:14 | 10.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - It is for the first time ever that the stake of the European parliamentary elections is so high for Moldova, as the opening of the negotiations themselves with the European Union will depend on their results. The state secretary of the Department for Relation with Moldova at the Romanian government, Adrian Dupu, has made statements to this effect at a TV programme.  

The Romanian official noted that, at the European parliamentary elections, the Moldovan citizens would be able to decide on how the future European Parliament will look, as they have the Romanian citizenship and have right to participate in elections.  

„It is for the first time ever that the stake of the European parliamentary elections is so high for Moldova, as the parliament due to be elected on 9 June will decide the fate of Moldova. It is quite important that the citizens who have right to vote decide on how will look the future European Parliament, the one which can decide not only the opening of the negotiations, but also Moldova’s integration into EU. It is clear that this will be decided in the next five years. Besides, the number of those who can vote is larger than ever,’’ Adrian Dupu said.      

The elections to the European Parliament will be held on 6-9 June, this year. The Parliament is a legislative authority of the European Union. It is elected by direct voting once in five years. Along with the Council of the European Union, the institution exercises the EU’s legislative power.    



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