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Moldovan parliament standing bureau approves agenda of plenary meetings for next two weeks

17:54 | 10.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament’s standing bureau today held a meeting and approved the agenda of the plenary meetings due on 16-31 May 2024.   

According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, the MPs will consider the draft decision on the holding of the republican constitutional referendum.   

Also, the lawmakers will examine, in the first reading, the draft law on the amendment of the normative acts which regard the improvement of the customs processes in the relations of the Customs Service with tax payers; a draft on the amendment of the law on dwellings; a draft on amendment of the normative framework for the creation of the conditions needed for backing the reforms in the institutional system of the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry, as well as a draft on amendment of the Law on the medicines of veterinary use.  

Among the legislative initiatives due to be considered in the second reading, there are the draft law on the mental health and welfare; the draft law which provides for giving the Stauceni commune the status of town; a draft on amendment of the Law on the imposing of international restrictive measures and the draft law which regards the improvement of the governance and regulation of the water and sewerage supply sector. The MPs will discuss also a string of amendments to the Contravention Code and Criminal Code, a draft law which envisages the revision of the judicial map, as well a legislative due to give citizens possibility to appeal to any notary of Moldova for procedures dealing with succession.      

The agenda also contains the ratification of the Agreement between Moldova and the European Union on Moldova’s participation in the Digital Europe Programme. The lawmakers will also consider the ratification of the loan facility agreement between Moldova and the French Development Agency – a loan worth 40 million euros for the reformation and modernization of the forestry sector, in line with the regulations of the European Union’s acquis.      

On the next period, the parliament will consider also a draft decision on the appointment to office of a member of the Court of Accounts. At the same time, the MPs will hear the report on the work of the National Integrity Authority and the National Agency for the Settlement of Claims for the 2023 year.

On 16 May, the parliament’s plenary meeting will start at 10:00.



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