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Foreign affairs minister has farewell meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Moldova

21:38 | 10.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Moldovan diplomacy head, Mihai Popsoi, has had a farewell meeting with Ambassador of the United States to Moldova, His Excellency Kent Logsdon, who ends his diplomatic mission in the country, the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s (MAE) press service has reported.        

At the meeting, the officials reviewed the Moldovan-American bilateral relations, the constant support provided to Moldova in the reforms’ implementation, as well as the projects which had been successfully carried out due to the financial support on behalf of the USA.

„I expressed words of gratitude for the fact that the United States had always been with Moldova and backed us whenever needed. I thanked Ambassador Logsdon for the dedication and professionalism with which he had exercised his office and wished him success in the further professional work. Mr. Ambassador, I am sure that your will keep nice memories about Moldova!’’ Minister Popsoi said.    



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