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PM says government edifies European Moldova in all settlements

15:03 | 16.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 16 May /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has started his working visit to the central Anenii Noi district on the square of the Gura Bacului village, where sellers from neighbour settlements and from the left bank of Dniester come on each Thursday. The PM discussed with citizens projects implemented by the authorities, the challenges faced by the people and suggestions they have for the governance, the government’s communication department reported.   

At the same time, the discussions with citizens in Gura Bacului were focused on the European integration process and the steps Moldova must follow to achieve this goal. The people said that they supported the European integration way of Moldova. They also emphasized the importance of mobilizing for participation in the referendum on backing the European integration, stressing that the latter was essential for the economic growth, ensuring the peace and stability in Moldova.  

For his part, PM Dorin Recean said that the implementation of projects financed by the European Union already contributed to the economic development and the creation of new opportunities for the citizens on both banks of Dniester.  

„The government edifies the European Union in all settlements: we modernize the education, improve the public services, attract investments, create new jobs, renovate the infrastructure and thus enhance the quality of living of our citizens,’’ the prime minister said.   

The Gura Bacului village is member of the biggest project on voluntary amalgamation along with the settlements Telita, Calfa and Roscani. According to the PM, once united, these settlements will create a single more efficient public administration and will be able to benefit from more European funds, in order to provide citizens with good living conditions.      






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