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Moldovan president to pay working visit to Germany

19:39 | 16.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 16 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu on 17-18 May will pay a working visit to Federal Republic of Germany. The visit emphasizes the continuous commitment of Moldova and Germany for the consolidation of the bilateral relations, in the context of the country’s integration into the European Union, the presidential press service has reported.     

During the visit, the head of state will have meetings with German leaders: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President of Bundestag Bärbel Bas. The Moldovan president will tackle such subjects as Germany’s support for Moldova’s economy, hit by the war in Ukraine, the process of accession to EU and the cooperation for the regional stability.    

Germany, founding state of the European Union, and a top partner of Moldova, plays an important role in the country’s modernization and European integration. In March 2022, following the unleashing of the war in the neighbourhood, Germany, along with France and Romania, launched the Moldova Support Platform. This initiative mobilized significant support, which allowed the efficient management of the flow of Ukrainian refugees, consolidating the energy security and advancing the economic and social reforms in Moldova.    

Germany is also an essential economic partner of Moldova, having many companies who work in Moldova or which purchase components manufactured locally. The strengthening of the commercial and economic relations is one of the principal subjects of the visit.

Besides the discussions in Berlin, President Sandu will go to Leipzig to the ceremony on the offering of the Robert Blum Award for Democracy 2024, under the patronage of President Steinmeier. The award recognizes Maia Sandu’s firm commitment to the democratic values and is accompanied with 25,000 euros, a sum which the Moldovan president will donate.  

Also, during her visit to Germany, the head of state will meet communities of Moldovans from Berlin and Frankfurt on Main.



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