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National Army servicemen participate in Fire Shield 2018 exercise

12:58 | 17.09.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 17 September /MOLDPRES/- National Army servicemen participate in the multinational exercise Fire Shield 2018 on 17-21 September. The opening ceremony took place today at Bulboaca Military Training Base.

Eduard Ohladciuc, Deputy Chief of Staff, said that the exercise aims at jointly training artillery sub-units and increasing interoperability of the armies of the partner countries.

About 800 officers and non-commissioned officers of the National Army and soldiers of Romania and the USA participate in the training sessions organized at the military training centers in all garrisons.

The Fire Shield multinational exercise takes place for the fourth consecutive year in Moldova and is part of the training plan of the National Army.

(Reporter A. Zara, editor M. Jantovan)



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