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Five state enterprises in irrigation sector to be liquidated in Moldova

17:22 | 21.10.2020 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 21 October /MOLDPRES/ - The technological states for irrigation from Hancesti, Briceni, Vulcanesti, Drochia and Orhei will be dissolved, at a proposal by the Public Property Agency (APP), on grounds that these state enterprises are not profitable and trigger only excessive expenses. The government took a decision to this end today.   

Under the decision, APP will ensure the liquidation of the aforementioned enterprises and the nomination of the commissions for liquidation, as case may be, of the liquidators, according to the legal provisions.  

„The Public Property Agency will ensure the transmission of barrages, dams of protection against floods and access ways managed by the enterprises under liquidation to the administration of Moldova’s Waters Agency, subordinated to the Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Ministry, in accordance with the provisions of the regulation on the way of transmitting public property assets,’’ the document reads.   

The making redundant of employees of the aforementioned state enterprises will be made in line with the provisions of the labour legislation.  

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