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Moldova to help put out fires in Turkey

16:49 | 05.08.2021 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 August /MOLDPRES/- A company from the Republic of Moldova sent five helicopters to Turkey to participate in the firefighting operation in the southern region of the country. The announcement was made by our country's ambassador to Ankara Dmitri Croitor.

The flight crews include citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

The ambassador appreciated the support actions from the company from the Republic of Moldova, "in these moments of hardship for the Turkish people, or," such actions contribute to the solidification of the strategic partnership between the two states ".

At the same time, the diplomat specified that he had discussions with the Honorary Consuls of our country in Antalya, Alanya and Marmaris, who are ready to provide assistance to Moldovan citizens, in case of need.

Turkey, Greece, Italy and Bulgaria have been facing devastating heat-related fires in recent days.


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