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ANRE approved new gas tariff

11:29 | 09.11.2021 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 9 November /MOLDPRES/- The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) approved at today's meeting new gas tariff, which will be from 1 November 10.26 lei for one cubic meter, without value added tax (VAT).

The price of gas increased from 4.2 lei per cubic meter, or, taking into account the VAT value of 8%, from November it will be 11.1 lei for one cubic meter of gas.

After the ANRE meeting, Ştefan Creangă, director of the institution, explained that the Agency approved the new tariffs based on the request submitted by Moldovagaz. "We approved the decision taking into account the tariff deviations of the supplier and its financial pressures. Since the beginning of 2021, we have witnessed the increase of prices. Currently, a contract is signed, or, one of the mandatory conditions of the document is the payment of tariff deviations ", said Ştefan Creangă.

According to the director of ANRE, the tariff approved today is provisional, and until November 30, the Agency will review from its calculations more details. It is about checking the volume of gas delivered, the volume at the inlet, at the outlet, at different pressures, checking the profitability, working capital, basic cost of the price component, exchange rate, macroeconomic indicators, etc.

"In the opinion of Moldovagaz, this is a visionary price. For its part, ANRE has not yet made any calculation, the tariff is estimated and cannot increase until November 30. This tariff is a high one, but it must lead to the balancing of the gas insurance system, ie to the capacity of the consumer to pay it and of the supplier to deliver it ", said Creangă.

According to the legislation, Moldovagaz addresses the National Agency for Energy Regulation, which verifies the calculations and, if they correspond to the methodology, approves the requested tariff.



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