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European project to support agriculture in Moldova extended by late 2022

12:36 | 26.11.2021 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 26 / MOLDPRES /- Committee members of the project Additional support for agriculture, rural development and food security in Moldova, financed by the European Union have approved its extension by late 2022.

The decision was announced yesterday at the 5th meeting of the Committee of the Twinning Project, attended by representatives of the National Agency for Food Safety (ANSA), the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, the Agency for Intervention and Payments for Agriculture and committee members composed of experts from Austria, Lithuania, Poland, as well as representatives of the European Union Delegation in Chisinau.

The topics of the meeting focused on the current situation regarding the implementation of EU standards in the national legislation, the results of the missions carried out by the experts, the study visits of the beneficiaries and the elaboration of the National Strategy in Agriculture and Food Security.

ANSA director-general Radu Musteaţă reviewed the actions carried out with the support of the mentioned Project, emphasizing the importance of these results both at institutional and national level, as well as internationally. This is from the perspective of the process of compliance with the standards of the European Union, in which the Republic of Moldova is involved, regarding the competitiveness of agri-food products for export.

Also, Radu Musteaţă thanked donors and experts involved in the implementation of the project for the efficiency of the management and the good collaboration that they show in the process of carrying out the planned activities.


Photo: ANSA


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