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Rehabilitation of Summer Theater in Valea Morilor Park in Chisinau started

11:32 | 05.04.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, April 5 / MOLDPRES /- Chisinau municipality has started rehabilitation work on the amphitheater at the Summer Theater in Valea Morilor Park.

According to the information presented by experts of the city hall, the works involve the dismantling of the rows of old wooden chairs, which are in a high degree of damage, the repair or installation of some reinforced concrete pillars and the installation of new chairs. Two additional rows of seats will also be installed.

The city hall wants to increase the capacity of the Summer Theater to about 7,000 seats, which will reconfirm its status as the largest open-air theater in Europe. Previously, the capacity of the theater was up to 6,000 seats.

At the same time, Mayor Ion Ceban assured that after the execution of these works, the Chisinau municipality will identify financial resources for the repair of the stage.



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