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Repairs to be carried out in 200 educational institutions in Chisinau

12:33 | 13.06.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, June 13 / MOLDPRES /- Annual repairs will be carried out in about 200 educational institutions in the capital. The announcement was made today by deputy head of the General Directorate of Education, Youth and Sports in Chisinau Andrei Pavaloi at an operative meeting of the municipal services.

In total, renovation works will take place in 92 kindergartens. "In some institutions the works are being carried out, in others they have already been completed. In gymnasiums and high schools, the works will be started after the completion of the educational process ", he said.

For the repairs, from the municipal budget, 169.4 million lei (8.4 million euros) were allocated, 40 million lei more than last year.



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