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Over 30 anti-heat tents set in Moldovan capital's districts

10:09 | 07.07.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, 7 July /MOLDPRES/ - Over 30 anti-heat tents have been set in all districts of the Moldovan capital.

According to the Chisinau city hall, the tents were placed in agglomerated public places. People here can benefit from water and may ask for assistance if necessary. The anti-heat tents were set by the district praetor’s offices and economic agents.   

At the same time, on the summer period, the fountains from the city were opened as well. Also, a buvette is uninterruptedly working nearby the Roses Valley Park.

To minimize the impact of the heat, the principal streets and boulevards, where the public transport is moving, are sprinkled with water.  

Meteorologists forecast air temperatures of +32 Celsius degrees during the day and +16 degrees at night for the next days.

Photo: Chisinau city hall




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