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Refugees. Eyewitnesses of war in Ukraine (part III)

17:37 | 17.08.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug. 17 /MOLDPRES/- The war in Ukraine, which began on February 24, spared no one. People were so small in front of the Russian missiles flying over the cities, houses and the land where there was peace. The women, in their arms with their children, left behind their men and their lives, which will never be the same. The old people, who agreed to leave, left their memories at home, and the teachers - the students and the classrooms where the voices of the children are no longer heard, but the rocket explosions.

Elena Vasilevskaia, 39 years old, is a primary school teacher in a high school in Odesa. On the morning of February 24, like thousands of Ukrainians, the woman woke up to loud explosions.

The woman says that for 8 years before the start of the war, the situation was tense. "Everything ended with the fact that the aggressor Putin attacked, no one expected such a scenario. I think that negotiations should have been carried to the last condition, but that was not wanted. It's easier to shoot into civilian homes and destroy a country. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, is actively supported by citizens, no one accuses him of having acted incorrectly in a certain situation. He asked for the help of the whole world from the first moments after the outbreak of the war, but everything is very complicated, so many lives and families destroyed," said the woman.

The hope that the war can end today, tomorrow or in a few weeks is already not as strong. Getting back to the old life is getting harder and harder. Both the woman and her daughters wait daily for good news, the news that would lead them home. They say that, after half a year of war, they would like things to calm down, so that the rockets don't fly, to go to bed and wake up in peace and safety. The teacher from Odessa dreams of reuniting her students in the same class, in the same benches. Let the lessons not be disturbed by sirens or the loud sounds of explosions, let only the bell be heard, which once gathered them, so happy and so eager to know.






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