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Movement ceased at Giurgiulesti-Galati border crossing point in south Moldova

17:03 | 18.09.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Border Police warns travelers that there was no movement on the road to and from the Giurgiulesti-Galati border crossing point and it was blocked.

The quoted source said that, at about 10:35, at the exit from the border checkpoint in the direction to Romania, a traffic accident had occurred with the involvement of a touring car and a train. The driver of the car did not stop at the place indicated to give way to the train and a result, the vehicle was hit and pulled out of the roadway.   

No one suffered in the wake of the accident.

The intervention of police crews on the spot was asked, in order to clear up the circumstances.

At the time when the piece of news was spread, there was no movement on the road to and from the Giurgiulesti-Galati border checkpoint, which is blocked.   

Till the de-blocking of the situation, travelers are recommended to choose other checkpoints at the border with Romania, such as Cahul or Leuseni.


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