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Moldovan pupils among winners at INTEL AI Global Impact Festival

13:41 | 26.09.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, 26 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- The Republic of Moldova was ranked among the winning countries at the INTEL AI Global Impact Festival. Two teams of pupils from the capital competed with schoolchildren from 24 countries.

According to the Ministry of Education and Research, the two teams formed by Ciprian Meriacre and Daniela Balutel from the Aristotel Theoretical High School in Chisinau and Eduard Balamatiuc and Daria Gheorghieș from the Iulia Hașdeu Theoretical High School in the capital, this year brought the Republic of Moldova on the international scene of artificial intelligence at the INTEL AI Global Impact Festival competition.

The team that ranked first -Aristotel high school worked out the AGROOTS: Accessible Agriculture project as a solution to the problem of agricultural losses caused by climate change and unstable weather globally. The pupil project has over 90% forecasting accuracy for one agricultural season, being efficient and simple to use.

The Automatic detection of waste project, carried out by the team from the Iulia Hașdeu high school brought them victory for the proposed solution to improve the process of automatic identification and sorting of waste, using Computer Vision technology.

The winners will each be awarded $500.

Photo: MEC


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