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Moldovan MPs to convene at plenary meeting on 30 September

17:37 | 28.09.2022 Category: Political

Chisinau, 28 September /MOLDPRES/ - The members of the parliament’s standing bureau today approved the agenda of the plenary meetings due to be held on the period 30 September – 6 October.   

The MPs will consider, in the first reading, a draft law on ensuring the rights of the victims in case of offences regarding the sexual life and domestic violence, as well as a legislative initiative suggesting the declaring of the works of construction of the water main Chisinau-Straseni-Calarasi as public utility of national interest.   

The lawmakers will consider, also in the first reading, amendments to more normative acts, among which the Fiscal Code of Moldova and the law on the promotion of employment and unemployment insurance. The MPs will also propose for adoption amendments to the law on the single salary payment system in the public sector.

Photo: Parliament



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