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Justice reform discussed with development partners

11:04 | 26.10.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, Oct. 26 /MOLDPRES/- Yesterday, the Ministry of Justice organized a meeting with development partners and donors who support reforms in the justice system.

At the beginning of the event, Minister of Justice Sergiu Litvinenco appreciated the involvement and support offered both financially and in the form of analysis and expertise in the development of several projects of normative acts, as well as, above all, the consistent help offered for the systemic reform of of justice - the evaluation of the integrity of the candidates for the position of member in the CSM and CSP (pre-vetting), and the subsequent extraordinary evaluation of all judges and prosecutors.

"The reform process is a complex and lasting one, which requires not only financial but also human resources. The resources available to the Ministry of Justice are insufficient compared to the multitude of issues under the responsibility of the Ministry, including in the context of the implementation of conditions for European integration in the justice segment (six out of nine conditions are in the justice sector). That is why it is important to find together the most effective ways of providing assistance, which ensure positive results and their continuity over time", Litvinenco said.

During the meeting, the representatives of the Ministry of Justice presented the four cooperation platforms to the donors: pre-vetting and vetting; anti-corruption; digitization program on justice and technical assistance needs of the Ministry of Justice and its subdivisions, and respectively the list of ongoing projects.

Photo: Ministry of Justice





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