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Former Moldovan deputy interior minister to come to trial for shadowing two prosecutors

21:10 | 14.11.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 November /MOLDPRES/ - The Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS) today informed that it had sent to court a file on the charging of a former deputy interior minister, responsible for the creation and guiding of an organized crime ring, who shadowed two anticorruption prosecutors in October 2020.     

According to the quoted source, he set up a group within the Plahotniuc criminal organization and was promising ‘’salaries not lower than of an Interior Ministry’s employee’’ to the lured members. In the case of one of the members, in charge of the working out of informative notes on the illegal actions of shadowing, he was monthly getting 20,000 lei (about 1,000 euros). Thus, besides the shadowing of an anticorruption prosecutor and of a deputy head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA), the group was collecting information also about other people who were visiting the institution, as to the file titled Bank Fraud, in which the defendant was concerned too.      

According to the materials of the file, instrumented with the support of officers of the Intelligence and Security Service, Internal Protection and Anticorruption Service of the Interior Ministry, the actions of the crime ring were unofficially watched over under the umbrella of a unit in charge of the internal security of a political party.   

Under the Criminal Code, the creation and leadership of a crime ring is punished with imprisonment for a term of 8-15 years.


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