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National Bank prepared several events on National Currency Day

11:06 | 29.11.2022 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 29 /MOLDPRES/- The National Bank of Moldova (BNM) today marks National Currency Day with a lot of financial education events. One of them was scheduled at the Aristotel high school as a debate - Banknote and metal coins versus electronic money.

The agenda of the forum includes topics related to the circulation of banknotes and metal coins, as well as the use of electronic money. The debate will address aspects related to the circulation of the national currency, the perspective of the use of banknotes and metallic coins versus electronic ones, as well as their role in the economy.

Another event, through which the BNM celebrates the 29th anniversary of the Moldovan leu, foresees a lot of visits to the exhibition hall of the central bank, intended for groups of students interested in the financial-banking subject. Visitors will get to know the collection of commemorative and jubilee coins issued by the central bank, having at the same time the opportunity to watch a presentation about the history of the Moldovan leu and the safety signs of the national currency.

The Moldovan leu was put into circulation on November 29, 1993. The National Bank of Moldova has the exclusive right to issue banknotes and coins as means of payment on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.


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