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European Investment Bank provides 100 million euros for continuing Moldova Roads III project

19:05 | 07.12.2022 Category: Official

Chisinau, 7 December /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova till late 2022 will sign a contract on financing with the European Investment Bank (EIB) worth 100 million euros for the supply and carrying out, in continuation, of the Moldova Roads III project. The cabinet approved a decision to this end, which sees the full implementation of the Moldova Roads III project, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.   

The investment is meant for financing the works of rehabilitation of national roads, providing services of consultancy and technical supervision of works.  

Thus, the following objects will be rehabilitated within the project, including additionally, and namely:   

R34 Hancesti – Leova – Cahul – Giurgiulesti, sector III, Cantemir – Cahul;

M3 Chisinau – Comrat – Giurgiulesti – border with Romania, construction of the lacking sector, the bypass road of the Cimislia town.

The implementation of this project will contribute to the improvement of the state and quality of the network of roads, will reduce the costs of the road transport for the roads’ users of Moldova and will lead to achieving the general goal of the transport and logistics strategy for 2013-2022.  



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