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Special tourist trolleybus route launched in Moldovan capital on winter holidays

12:44 | 15.12.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, Dec. 15 /MOLDPRES/- Chisinau city hall has launched a special tourist trolleybus route on winter holidays.

According to the city hall, children and parents are expected on Saturdays and Sundays to discover the legends of the city.

The action has the title Get to know the city with Santa Claus and will be held on 17-18, 24-25 December and 7-8 January 2023. The route will start and end near the Arc de Triomphe and at the end of the journey all children will receive sweet surprises from Santa.

Boarding capacity is limited to the number of people sitting on the seats, and children up to 10 years must be accompanied by a parent.

The price for a trip with the tourist trolleybus is 30 lei. Children up to the age of 7 travel for free.



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