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Moldovan cabinet appoints new state secretaries

16:41 | 25.01.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 January /MOLDPRES/ - Viorel Garaz has been appointed state secretary at the Economics Ministry. The cabinet approved a decision to this end at a today’s meeting.  

At the same time, Alexandru Gasnas will hold the position of state secretary at the Health Ministry. The Environment Ministry will also have a new state secretary – Grigore Stratulat.    

Andrei Ciociltan was appointed state secretary at the Interior Ministry (MAI). His appointment was made after also today, the government had approved the dismissal of Petru Turcan from the concerned office, based on the application on resignation. At the same time, Gheorghe Cucereanu left the position of state secretary at the Education and Research Ministry.     

At the meeting, the cabinet also proposed the appointed of Moldova’s Ambassador to the United States Viorel Ursu to the position of the  country’s ambassador to Mexico, by plurality of offices.   

Also today, Evghenii Balîca was recalled from the office of Moldova’s representative at the bureau for the coordination of the combating of the organized crime and other dangerous offences on the territory of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) member countries.  

Vitalie Valcov left the position of deputy director general of the National Statistics Bureau, given that he had reached the retirement age.   



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