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Road traffic opened on belt road of Chisinau city, sector one

19:34 | 31.01.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 31 January /MOLDPRES/ - The first segment of the Chisinau municipality’s belt road was opened for movement today. The sector has a length of 6.6 km, four movement lanes, two intersections with circle junction and about 90 road signs set. The segment was rehabilitated  with the support of the European Investment Bank (EIB), the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.     

During the ceremony of making road segment available for use, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita said that the construction and modernization of more national roads was provided for in the government’s action programme:’’I will mention here just some of these important projects: the Otaci-Soroca-Arionesti road, the bypass roads of the towns Cimislia and Vulcanesti. We will continue also the construction of the Chisinau belt road; another 17 km of road will be constructed on the other segments.’’        

Deputy Prime Minister, Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu thanked the foreign partners, with the help of which roads were constructed in Moldova. ‘’Chisinau must have a full belt road, just as each European capital has. We will do our utmost, in order to quickly advance with the building of other segments as well. The safety of the citizens is our priority. The people should enjoy safer and quality roads,’’ the deputy PM said.    

„The first segment of the Chisinau belt road, which we inaugurated today, will contribute to the reduction of noise and pollution of the air in the Chisinau city, as well as to the optimization of the transport of goods. This new road was built with the financial support of the European Investment Bank, in the spirit of Team of Europe. The European Union and its partners invested more than one billion euros in the transport infrastructure, for roads and railways. The good transport connections represent the foundation of a functional economy and contribute to the country’s prosperity and Moldova’s rapprochement with EU,’’ Head of the European Union’s Delegation in Moldova Jānis Mažeiks said.     

In all, the Chisinau belt road has six sectors, with a length of about 90 km. The first tender for the construction of the Chisinau belt road took place in 2014, while the process of implementation was blocked during more years. The completion of this project will reduce the high-tonnage transport flow which transits the city and thus, the dams will diminish and the degree of the city’s pollution will decrease.  

The project’s value is of over 9.9 million euros, earmarked by EIB.   

Tenders for the construction of other segments of the Chisinau belt road will be launched on the next period.  

Photo: Government 








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