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Three projects included in European Village Program completed in Criuleni

13:26 | 08.02.2023 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Feb. 8 /MOLDPRES/- Three other projects included in the European Village Program were completed in Criuleni district. Their total value amounts to three million lei (150 thousand euros), money allocated from the National Fund for Regional and Local Development (FNDRL).

Thus, the House of Culture in Cruglic village was equipped with new furniture, acoustic equipment and curtains. The cost of the goods is over 2.3 million lei, including the procurement of 650 chairs and 75 units of acoustic means and sound engineering.

Another project was implemented in Hârtopul Mare village. The local kindergarten benefited from the repair of the internal electricity networks. More than 60 modern and energy-efficient lighting fixtures have been installed. As a result, around 140 children and 32 employees of the preschool institution will have safety and better conditions for carrying out the instructional-educational process. The cost of the project exceeds 400 thousand lei.

In Bălțata village, the General Urban Plan was set up, a document that will be used by the local public administration in the sustainable development process of the locality. For the elaboration of the Plan, 325 thousand lei were allocated from the FNDRL.

According to the National Office for Regional and Local Development (ONDRL), the Criuleni district benefits from 19 local development projects, through the European Village program. Their total value is 79 million lei. In total, the Program includes 496 projects, and 75 of them have already been completed.

Photo: ONDRL


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